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Understanding Employee Turnover Rates: Suitable Ranges for Various Industries


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Employee turnover rate refers to the percentage of employees who leave an organization over a certain period of time. It is a metric used to measure the rate at which employees join and leave a company, providing insights into workforce stability and retention.

A high turnover rate can indicate challenges within an organization, such as low employee satisfaction, poor work-life balance, lack of growth opportunities, or ineffective management. On the other hand, a low turnover rate can suggest a positive work environment, strong employee engagement, and effective retention strategies.

It’s important for organizations to monitor and analyze their turnover rates to understand trends, identify areas of concern, and implement measures to improve employee retention and satisfaction. By addressing the underlying causes of turnover, organizations can strive to maintain a stable and engaged workforce, which contributes to overall business success.

The suitable employee turnover rate can vary across different industries and organizations. While there is no fixed benchmark for what constitutes an ideal turnover rate, the following are some general ranges that can be considered suitable for different sectors:

Advertising and Marketing

This industry can have turnover rates ranging from 10% to 15%, as it often attracts creative professionals who may seek new opportunities or freelance work.

Professional Services

Industries such as law firms, consulting firms, or accounting firms often have lower turnover rates, usually ranging from 10% to 15%, due to the investment in employee training and development.

Financial Services

This industry can have lower turnover rates due to the specialized skills and training required. Turnover rates ranging from 10% to 15% are often seen in banking, investment firms, or insurance companies.

Legal Services

Turnover rates in the legal industry can vary depending on the type of practice and location. Rates between 10% to 20% are common, with factors such as work-life balance, career advancement, and firm culture influencing turnover.

Travel and Tourism

Turnover rates in the travel and tourism industry can range from 15% to 25%, influenced by factors such as seasonal employment, changing consumer preferences, and career growth opportunities.

Startups and Tech Companies

Startups and high-growth tech companies may experience higher turnover rates due to their dynamic nature and potential for rapid changes. Turnover rates between 10% to 20% are not uncommon in this industry.

Real Estate

Turnover rates in real estate can vary depending on the specific role, such as real estate agents or property managers. Rates between 15% to 25% are often seen due to the commission-based structure and the potential for independent work.


Turnover rates in the consulting industry can vary depending on the firm size, specialization, and client base. Rates between 10% to 20% are common, but it can be higher in firms with intense project-based work.


Turnover rates in the insurance industry can range from 10% to 20%, with factors such as commission structures, competition, and career growth opportunities impacting turnover.

Education Technology (EdTech)

This industry can have turnover rates ranging from 10% to 20% as it is often influenced by factors such as competition, technological advancements, and market demand.

Healthcare Technology (HealthTech)

Turnover rates in this industry can range from 10% to 20%, influenced by factors like technological advancements, market trends, and competition.

E-commerce and Online Retail

Turnover rates in this industry can vary depending on the business model, company size, and job roles involved. Rates between 15% to 25% are not uncommon due to the rapid growth and dynamic nature of the industry.

Technology and Engineering

These industries tend to have lower turnover rates as they typically require specialized skills and knowledge. Turnover rates ranging from 10% to 20% can be considered reasonable.

Healthcare and Education

These sectors can vary depending on the specific roles within them. Healthcare, for instance, may have turnover rates between 10% to 20% for clinical positions, while education might have rates between 5% to 10% for teaching staff.


Turnover rates in the telecommunications industry can vary depending on factors such as job roles, market competition, and technological advancements. Rates between 15% to 25% are often observed.

Retail and Hospitality

These industries often have higher turnover rates due to the nature of the work and the availability of part-time or seasonal positions. Turnover rates between 20% to 30% can be relatively common.

Manufacturing and Production

Turnover rates in this industry can vary depending on factors such as the type of manufacturing, location, and skill requirements. Generally, turnover rates between 10% to 20% can be considered reasonable.

Media and Entertainment

Turnover rates in this industry can vary depending on the specific sector, such as film, television, or publishing. Rates between 10% to 20% are common due to the project-based nature of work and freelance opportunities.

Transportation and Logistics

Turnover rates in this industry can be higher due to the demanding nature of the work and potential for career advancement. Rates between 15% to 25% are often observed.

Food and Beverage

The restaurant industry tends to have higher turnover rates due to factors such as seasonal employment, flexible work schedules, and career opportunities in other industries. Rates between 30% to 50% are common in this sector.

Fitness and Wellness

Turnover rates in the fitness and wellness industry can range from 15% to 25%, as it is influenced by factors such as seasonal employment, part-time or contract work, and career shifts within the industry.

Fashion and Apparel

Turnover rates in the fashion industry can vary depending on the specific segment, such as retail or design. Rates between 20% to 30% are common due to factors such as seasonal work, competitive job market, and trends.

Nonprofit and Social Services

Turnover rates in these sectors can vary depending on the specific organization and role. However, turnover rates between 15% to 25% are often observed due to factors such as funding constraints and job satisfaction tied to the mission.

Government and Public Sector

Turnover rates in government organizations can vary based on factors such as job stability and career advancement opportunities. Rates between 5% to 10% are often seen in these sectors.

Automotive and Manufacturing

Turnover rates in these industries can range from 10% to 20% depending on the specific sector, company size, and job roles involved.

Construction and Trades

This industry typically has higher turnover rates due to the project-based nature of work and availability of job opportunities. Turnover rates between 20% to 30% can be considered relatively common.

Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Turnover rates in these industries can vary depending on factors such as research and development projects, market competition, and career advancement opportunities. Rates between 10% to 20% are often observed.

Energy and Utilities

Turnover rates in this industry can vary depending on the specific sector, such as oil and gas or renewable energy. Rates between 10% to 20% are common, with fluctuations based on market conditions and project lifecycles.

It’s important to note that these ranges are general guidelines, and what may be considered suitable for one organization may not apply to another. Organizations should strive to understand their own unique circumstances, such as industry norms, company culture, and employee expectations, to determine what turnover rate is appropriate for their specific context. Additionally, focusing on employee engagement, retention strategies, and creating a positive work environment can help reduce turnover rates across all industries.