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Privacy Policy

These privacy were last updated on January 1, 2023

TeamXP offers tools and platform commercialised as “TeamXP” which provide the means to measure and increase employee commitment by giving them a voice within their organization (the “TeamXP Platform”). TeamXP understands the importance of protecting Personal Information (as defined below). For this reason, TeamXP strives to have business procedures and security safeguards in place to protect Personal Information under its control.


This Privacy Policy describes our practices with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information by TeamXP.

This Privacy Policy (this “Policy“) is intended to establish responsible and transparent practices for the management of Personal Information and to satisfy the relevant and applicable legal requirements. This Policy sets out the standards, responsibilities and obligations of TeamXP in respect of any Personal Information collected, accessed or processed by TeamXP in the course of its business operations and specifies the obligations of TeamXP that arise from TeamXP Terms of Service (available at (the “Terms”) entered into between TeamXP and its corporate customers (each, a “Customer”), whereby TeamXP might handle or have access to Personal Information.

This Policy also governs Personal Information collected about TeamXP’s app Users (as defined in the Terms) and explains how TeamXP uses and discloses Personal Information collected from people who visit its app and otherwise interact with TeamXP through (collectively, the “app”). It also explains how TeamXP uses cookies and similar technologies. If you do not agree with this Policy, do not access or use the TeamXP Platform and any related services (the “Services”) or the app.


“Personal Information” is defined as any information about an identifiable individual. This may include, for example, email addresses and contact details and any similar information provided to TeamXP in the course of its business operations, or which TeamXP may receive from business inquiries. Personal Information that is aggregated and/or anonymized or that cannot be associated with an identifiable individual is no longer considered Personal Information.


TeamXP complies with: (i) data protection laws applicable to TeamXP; (ii) anti-spam legislation applicable to TeamXP; and (iii) applicable industry standards concerning data protection, confidentiality or information security. At all times TeamXP will ensure that Personal Information is protected by confidentiality and security procedures and protections that are, at a minimum, equivalent to those employed by TeamXP itself.


When providing the Services, TeamXP only processes Personal Information in accordance with the Terms and applicable laws. TeamXP generally uses Personal Information from or about its Customers and Users for the following purposes:

a. to create, establish and administer Customer’s account, to respond to Customer’s inquiries related to its account and to contact Customer about TeamXP’s Services or account-related matters;

b. to provide Services, including to provide Customer and its Users with access and use of the TeamXP Platform and customer support;

c. to manage and develop TeamXP’s business and operations;

d. to measure and analyze User behavior;

e. to monitor, maintain and improve TeamXP’s Services or features;

f. to understand how Users interact with TeamXP and ensure our services, products or features work correctly;

g. to develop new services, products, features, programs and promotions;

h. to understand Customers and Users’ needs and preferences and customize how we tailor and market products, programs and Services to our Customers and Users based on their interest;

i. to meet legal and regulatory requirements and to allow TeamXP to meet contractual requirements relating to the Services provided to Customer;

j. to conduct surveys on the quality of TeamXP’s Services or to collect feedbacks on the Services;

k. to provide Customer with offers for additional services, features and products that TeamXP believes may be of interest to Customer;

l. to conduct market or benchmarking research and data analytics by tracking and analyzing current or previously collected Personal Information; and

m. to measure the effectiveness of our marketing.

When possible, TeamXP will use Personal Information in an aggregated and/or anonymized format. Unless required or authorized by law, TeamXP will not use Personal Information for any other or new purpose without obtaining prior consent.


TeamXP generally collects and uses Personal Information from or about its app Users as follows:

5.1. Information Provided by Users. In many cases, TeamXP collects Personal Information directly from Users when they visit and use the app. For instance, TeamXP may collect the following types of information:

5.1.1. Inquiries and Requests for a Service. TeamXP may collect Users’ name, contact information, email address and any other information provided when Users make an inquiry or contact TeamXP through the website, when Users sign up to receive TeamXP’s newsletter or when Users submit a request or an order for an TeamXP service.

5.1.2. Personalization of App. When Users visit the app, they may, from time to time, be invited to provide information such as User’s title to help TeamXP personalize or customize the Users experience when using the app.

5.2. Technical Information. When Users visit the website or app, TeamXP may collect, using electronic means such as cookies, technical information. This information may include information about visits to the website or app, including the IP address of the Users’ computer and which browser was used to view the website, the Users’ operating system, resolution of screen, location, language settings in browsers, the site the User came from, keywords searched (if arriving from a search engine), the number of page views, information entered, advertisements seen, etc. This data is used to measure and improve the effectiveness of the app or enhance the experience for Users. While most of the time this information is depersonalized, if this information relates to an identifiable individual, TeamXP will treat this information as Personal Information. TeamXP may also, without limitations, collect and use the following type of information when Users visit and/or interact with TeamXP on the website or app:

5.2.1. Google Analytics: TeamXP uses Google Analytics which allows it to see information on User app activities including, but not limited to, page views, source and time spent on our app. This information is depersonalized and is displayed as numbers, meaning that it cannot be tracked back to individuals. Users may opt-out of TeamXP’s use of Google Analytics by visiting the Google Analytics opt-out page.

5.3. Choice with Cookies. Users can block the use of cookies by activating the settings in their browser. The “Help” feature on most browsers will tell Users how to prevent their browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify the Users when they receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. If Users choose to withhold consent, or subsequently block cookies, they may not be able to access all or part of the content of the app. Additionally, Users can disable or delete similar data used by browser add-ons, by changing the add-on’s settings or visiting the app of its manufacturer.

5.4. Privacy Policies of other Apps. This Policy only addresses the use and disclosure of information by TeamXP. Other apps that may be accessible through the app have their own privacy policies and data collection, use and disclosure practices.

5.5. Personal Information from Other Sources. TeamXP may obtain from third parties additional Personal Information about a app User if such User gave permission to those third parties to share its information.


TeamXP will not sell, rent or trade Personal Information to any third party. However, TeamXP may share Personal Information when authorized and/or required by law or as follows:

6.1. Service Providers. TeamXP may grant access to Personal Information to third-party service providers in connection with the performance or the improvement of its app and Services. Before sharing any Personal Information with any of its third-party service providers, TeamXP will ensure that the third party maintains data management practices for maintaining the confidentiality and security of Personal Information and preventing unauthorized access which comply with applicable industry standards and privacy laws.

6.2. As Permitted or Required by Law. TeamXP may disclose Personal Information as required by applicable law or by proper legal or governmental authority. TeamXP may also disclose information to its accountants, auditors, agents and lawyers in connection with the enforcement or protection of its legal rights. TeamXP may also release certain Personal Information when it has reasonable grounds to believe that such release is reasonably necessary to protect the rights, property or safety of others and itself, in accordance with or as authorized by law. In the event TeamXP receives a governmental or other regulatory request for any Personal Information, TeamXP will promptly notify Customer, unless it is prohibited to do so, in order that Customer shall have the option to defend such action. TeamXP shall reasonably cooperate with Customer in such defense.

6.3. Business Transaction. TeamXP may disclose Personal Information to a third party in connection with a sale or transfer of business or assets, an amalgamation, re-organization or financing of parts of our business. However, in the event the transaction is completed, Personal Information will remain protected by applicable data protection laws. In the event the transaction is not completed, TeamXP will require the other party not to use or disclose the Personal Information received in any manner whatsoever and to delete such Personal Information.


TeamXP will store and process the Personal Information in a manner consistent with industry security standards. TeamXP has implemented technical, organizational and administrative systems, policies, and procedures to help ensure the security, integrity and confidentiality of Personal Information and to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to or use of Personal Information, including: (i) appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards and other security measures designed to ensure the security and confidentiality of the Personal Information it manages; (ii) a security design intended to prevent any compromise of its own information systems, computer networks or data files by unauthorized Users, viruses or malicious computer programs; (iii) appropriate internal practices including, but not limited to, encryption of data in transit; using appropriate firewall and antivirus software; maintaining these countermeasures, operating systems and other applications with appropriate reasonable up-to-date virus definitions and security patches so as to avoid any adverse impact to the Personal Information that it manages; (iv) appropriate logging and alerts to monitor access controls and to assure data integrity and confidentiality; and (v) permitting only authorized Users access to systems and applications, and all persons with authorized access to Personal Information must have a genuine business need-to-know prior to access (together, “Security Program”).


TeamXP will retain the Personal Information as necessary for the purposes described in this Policy, unless a longer retention is required by law or justified by a legitimate business interest of TeamXP, subject to applicable laws. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon termination of the Terms, TeamXP shall retain the Personal Information stored in the TeamXP Platform until Customer instructs TeamXP to delete the Personal Information or until Customer’s access to the Services is terminated in accordance with the Terms, whichever occurs first.


TeamXP maintains adequate training programs to ensure that its employees and any others acting on its behalf are aware of and adhere to its Security Program. TeamXP shall exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over its relevant employees to maintain appropriate confidentiality and security of the Personal Information it manages.


TeamXP shall promptly notify Customer of a data breach, of a loss of data or of a failure of TeamXP’s Security Program:

a. which has resulted or is suspected to have resulted in the loss, unauthorised access, disclosure, use or acquisition of Personal Information (including hard copy records); and

b. which, in TeamXP’s opinion, presents a real risk of significant harm to individuals whose Personal Information is impacted (“Data Incident”).

While the initial notice may be in a summary form, a comprehensive written notice shall be given to Customer within the legally required timeframe, where applicable. The notice shall summarize in reasonable detail the nature and scope of the Data Incident (including each data element type) and the corrective action taken or to be taken by TeamXP. TeamXP shall promptly take all necessary and advisable corrective actions, and shall cooperate with Customer in all reasonable efforts to mitigate the adverse effects of Data Incidents and to prevent their recurrence.


To the extent that TeamXP’s processing of Personal Information is subject to applicable laws, all Users have the right to: (i) access and rectification or erasure of Personal Information, including erasure and deletion of their profile on the TeamXP Platform, except to the extent that TeamXP may need to retain certain Personal Information, including for record keeping purposes or to comply with legal obligations; (ii) restrict or object to TeamXP’s use of Personal Information (though, in some cases, this may mean no longer using the Services or the app) where TeamXP is relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and there is something about User’s particular situation which impacts on User’s fundamental rights and freedoms; (iii) lodge a complaint with their local data protection authority; and (iv) data portability. Users will not have to pay a fee to exercise such rights, however, TeamXP may charge a reasonable fee or refuse to comply if the request is unfounded, repetitive or excessive.


Any questions, complaints or requests regarding this Policy or TeamXP’s handling of Personal Information can be addressed to TeamXP’s customer service at:


Attention: Data Protection Officer

A User who seeks to exercise his/her data protection rights referred to in Section 11, in respect of Personal Information stored or processed by TeamXP on behalf of a Customer (typically the User’s employer), must direct his/her query to such Customer, as being the data controller. If TeamXP receives such User’s request to exercise his/her data protection rights referred to in Section 11 (including for access to or correction of Personal Information), TeamXP shall redirect the User to Customer and, upon request from Customer, shall assist Customer in responding to such request, if applicable.

Our Data Protection Officer will attempt to respond to your request within the legally applicable timeframe, and in any case no later than 30 days after receipt of such request. We will advise you in writing of our response to your request. Should we refuse to grant your request, we will inform you of the legal reason of our refusal, and we will apprise you of remedies available to you and of the time limit for exercising them.


TeamXP will review and update its policies and procedures as required to keep current with rules and regulations, new technologies, standards and customer concerns. This Policy may therefore change from time to time. If TeamXP makes changes that materially alter Users privacy rights, TeamXP may provide additional notice, such as via email or through the Services or the app. If Users disagree with the terms of this Policy, their only remedy is to discontinue use of the apps and the Services.